What should we wear?

I have written a small article to address just that which you can see by clicking here. You can also click here for a Pinterest page with some suggestions.

What if I want to order my prints differently than they appear in the proof book? (i.e. Black and White)

No problem, just about anything can be ordered. JUST ASK.

How much do I have to pay when I place my order?

All orders do need to be paid in full at the time of ordering. For your convenience we do accept credit cards.

I know the photographer took more images than I have in my proofs. Can I order them?

Absolutely! However our minimum orders are based on retouching that number of images. Because we only sell retouched images there is a one time fee of $25/per image.

Can I order online?

Online ordering does require a special setup. It can be done but, you will have to request this service.

Do I have to return the order catalog to place an order?

Yes without the order catalog there is no way for us to know which order is which. If the order catalog is lost there is a $50 charge to print another.