Contact Us

Because we are generally busy with clients we can be difficult to reach by phone. The best way to find out more about our services is to schedule a FREE 3O minute consultation. Please be in front of a computer with a web browser during the scheduled time for our consultation.

The free phone consultation will:

  1. Help to make sure that I understand what you would like. This way I can deliver the type of experience and images that you’re hoping to have.
  2. Allow me to explain the process from start to finish. This way you’ll know what to expect and everything will be easy and relaxed.
  3. Give us the chance to discuss clothing and posing options. I’ll give you a few things to look at over the internet. We’ll work together to come up with the most aesthetically pleasing combinations.

You can book your free consultation here.

If you have any questions or points of interest feel free to contact us with the form below.